Annie 900
This page explains the working of Annie 900 app in development.

Annie 900 is an intelligent agent which will be available soon as an Android app on Google Play Store.
The above document shows the working of Annie 900 Intelligent Agent.
It uses Synthetic Super Intelligence logic and processes presented in the research as a chatbot and a text and image analysis app.
Users will have to train the agent from the built-up with the data on device.
Read the research here.

The presentation above showcases the development of Annie 900 app for System Design..
Below are the explanations of the technical words and diagrams:
Processes: The entities and processes are related with attributes as properties.
Study: The agent's processes might work as an abstraction, causality loop with consciousness working as an interface amongst intelligence and world.
Workflows: The stimulus might be known or unknown in consistent and inconsistent situations.
Implementation: The agent draws conclusions from information and designs from patterns inferred.
Priorities:The agent understands the world by converting images to words and paragraphs as the intelligence improves.
Securities: The restrictions implied by the agent are the iterations of understanding to logic and decision as the mind compares and infers new knowledge.
Routines: The agent applies two decisions to differ the knowledge from truth and false.
(The faith value means the information agent is most assured about.)
Conclusions: The agent implies the workflows from processes and implements the solutions.